Mean of Lumia

Lumia, if you hear or see the writing under the name Lumia, some of you will think that Lumia is the product name of a famous smartphone which recently brought the system Windows Phone, Nokia. Nokia Lumia 800 and Nokia Lumia 710.

Or some of you know the meaning of beripikir and Lumia, if the meaning of the word has a meaning that less deserves to be mentioned.
Let's explore what the meaning of Lumia ...
Based on some articles that discuss the meaning of the name of Lumia, Lumia meaning almost all mention of prostitution if it is interpreted from the Spanish language. If we mean something just based on one subject then it will have a meaning that one too, but if you develop something from different points of view, it means also must have a lot of sense. So is the meaning of the word of Lumia ....

Here are the results obtained regarding the meaning of the word DigitalElectronicInfo of Lumia

Italian (Sicily): from Sicilian lumia = plant, lemon, lemontree
Spanish lumia = whore, hooker, prostituto
Perugia lumia = limia = fish

So, what do you think of Nokia which use the word as a trademark of Lumia? Or Nokia has its own meaning of the word Lumia? Only Nokia who understand ... and return to a proverb that says"What's in a name ...". provide important benefits for others!


@anonymius just super-sub!!
