Sony Ericsson or Sony Not Ericsson ?

Sony Not Ericsson
The brand name of a telecommunications device that has a very familiar ones humans, not just in the country, where Sony Ericsson is developed but around the world!

Sony Ericsson is a logo that is always firmly attached bymeans of telecommunication on a cell phone, as well as other brands such as Nokia or Samsung, but the difference is if Sony Ericsson has two names are put together in one brand.

Each person will always refer to the full of the brands itall, Nokia is the Nokia, as well also to Samsung and Sony Ericsson, people will still call it a complete, Ericsson not Sony or Sony Ericsson only. It's also a brand that speaks in the context of a cell phone.

Yet another case if the only mention Sony only, then people will think about electronic devices made by Sony in general. And what if forever without any Sony Ericsson still behind them?

The plan, it will soon happen. Sony will take part without a name behind the name of Sony Ericsson with the aim of Sony Ericsson will stand alone in developing a tablet, such as Samsung.

For information mengenani Sony Not Ericsson read the article published by WallStreetJournal

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