Being particular with its functions, materials and details, the ultimate line, “MANASLU” was released among authentic outdoor gear, PROTREK’s triple-sensor models.

The first time as Protrek, PRX-2000T-7JF enabled multiband radio signal receiving function that corresponds with the six transmitting stations worldwide. This watch is equipped with solar powered, “Tough Solar,” and a 2-tiered liquid crystal display that dramatically improved visibility. The thinner smaller sensor and electronic parts, and Casio’s original high-density packaging, enabled the thinnest PROTREK 11.3mmm. (as for April, 2009)
The bezel, back casing, band and other major components are made with titanium carbide coatings, which provides resistance to wear and tear and also make it lighter.
The art of expertise ZARATSU polishing is used for the surface of the bezel and shaped as a beautiful mirror.
Sapphire glass coated with non-reflective material is used for the cover that improves visibility and scratch resistance.
PRX-2000T-7JF is a authentic outdoor watch for sophisticated adults who are particular with its functionality and quality.
Source :

The first time as Protrek, PRX-2000T-7JF enabled multiband radio signal receiving function that corresponds with the six transmitting stations worldwide. This watch is equipped with solar powered, “Tough Solar,” and a 2-tiered liquid crystal display that dramatically improved visibility. The thinner smaller sensor and electronic parts, and Casio’s original high-density packaging, enabled the thinnest PROTREK 11.3mmm. (as for April, 2009)
The bezel, back casing, band and other major components are made with titanium carbide coatings, which provides resistance to wear and tear and also make it lighter.
The art of expertise ZARATSU polishing is used for the surface of the bezel and shaped as a beautiful mirror.
Sapphire glass coated with non-reflective material is used for the cover that improves visibility and scratch resistance.
PRX-2000T-7JF is a authentic outdoor watch for sophisticated adults who are particular with its functionality and quality.
Source :

Newly developed triple sensor
It measures the direction, barometric pressure, temperature, and altitude. The newly developed compact pressure sensor and review of the temperature sensor’s position, improved the accuracy of the pressure sensor’s measurement.
Directional Measurement
The digital compass measures the direction by sensing geomagnetism
Barometric pressure/temperature measurement
Equipped the barometer and thermometer to display the trend of barometric pressure
Altitude Measurement
The relative altimeter that measures the altitude based on change in barometric pressure
Newly developed pressure sensor
Casio downsized the conventional pressure sensor from φ5.8mm to φ4.0mm, and reduced the pressure sensor’s volume ratio by 60%, which contributed to the slimmer case. In addition, positioning the temperature sensor on the back of the pressure sensor, enabled adjustment of the measured value of the pressure sensor with more accurate temperature. This improved precision measurements, exceeding the conventional models.
Large 2-tier LCD
Manaslu2 display technology dramatically improved ability of transferring and expressing information.The compass display is large and provides maximum visibility.
Manaslu consists of large 2-tier LCD that originally increases thickness. Each tier uses a piece of glass that is 1.3 mm thin. There is 0.1 mm clearance between the tiers. The LCD is 0.78mm thinner than before.
The large user friendly 2-tier LCD does not obstruct movement and is appealing.
Multiband 6
Corresponds to 6 standard radio transmitting stations worldwide. Provides automatic time correction in 2 transmitting stations of Japan, North America, Europe and China region.
Tough Solar
Casio's own high capacitance solar system charges power even under relatively weak fluorescent lighting This system functions stably in many devices that need large amounts of power
Full metal direct measurement button
Even when you wear gloves, you can operate the directional, barometric pressure, temperature and altitude measurement function by pushing a direct button, located in an independent position.
By full metal construction, it improved the quality of the material, toughness, and equipped with button guard on the back casing, which prevents operational failure.
The pursuit of materials and a thorough finish
The bezel, back casing, band and other major components are made with titanium carbide coatings, which provides resistance to wear and tear and also make it more light. In addition, the band and the casing are integrated by high level forging, which provides more strength and elegance in design.
Zallaz polishing
The Zallaz polishing technique was applied from the side of button-guard lines to the side of the watchband
The technique was developed by skilled craftspeople and it creates a distortion-less, mirror-like finish
Sapphire glass
The Sapphire glass coated with non-reflective material is used. Casio realized the properties of this material provide clear visibility and excellent scratch resistance.
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