Symbian Is Dead

Symban is dead

Nokia is one of the mobile device communications technology that is always doing developments and updates its products and operating system used.

Technology does need a change but do not need to abandon existing technologies. The same thing happened with Nokia, the initial presence, Nokia is identical with the operating system used is Symbian. If people have been talking Symbian, then others will think it is Nokia. Vice versa!

Symbian is an open operating system that is very familiar and easy to use Nokia's own development can not be separated from the big name that is owned by Symbian. Nokia grew and famous also because of the existence of Symbian. Like Romeo and Juliet love partner who is as lively as dead ..

But not with Nokia, with some changes to the operating system, Nokia will abandon Symbian memories together. Something very stupid thing to do! Perhaps, because of the Belle or Windows phone which is a new operating system theyuse, Symbian will be left behind! Is that so? Hopefully not!

Supposedly, despite having a new operating system, Nokia should continue to run Symbian as the support of its future. Nokia Symbian should keep updating, updating the phones that use this system as from of Nokia E Series oldest to Nokia X Series newest. Eg like the Nokia E63 which is the first phone all-round, should have added some new features that are currently there are other phones. Suppose that adds features an internet browser.

So, it would be a big mistake if Nokia will abandon Symbian with a sweet story and will switch to Belle because Symbian is still a concealed weapon that can be used to compete with others.

Source Nokia
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MYRobots Social Network

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Amazon Updates Kindle App for iOS

Amazon Kindle app for iOS
Amazon Updates Kindle App - The Kindle app is optimized for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, giving users the ability to read Kindle books, newspapers, magazines, textbooks and PDFs on a beautiful, easy-to-use interface.

Amazon update-up the software for the Kindle. Upadate At this time, Amazon did a large but limited to the other gadgets that Amazon released the Kindle app for iOS is only devoted to the iPhone, iPad, and iPod. Update this also provide many options in to access to many magazines and newspapers are available 400 magazines and newspapers in the Kindle.

In addition, the Kindle app for iOS has the ability to read the book and print a text in to the iPad. In addition to accessing the many options in reading magazines and newspapers, the Kindle app can also read PDF files that already exist within the Kindle app without the need to install it again. Even you can create a personal document in the Kindle app.

By using the Kindle app, you will more freely again to access the Amazon Kindle app for iOS complete information please the iTunes
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Gracenote Launches ACR TV Recognition

This is another pop song - you know, the one that forces you to flip the radio to something else. But still, you ingintahu what the name implies, if only to avoid to hear it again. Boom Boom? The heart rate? Shazam! Super Bass, by Nicki Minaj. If you have not used Shazam, chances are you know someone who does not, and often. New content Gracenote an AutomaticRecognition (ACR) technology takes the same concept and apply to TV shows and movies, and it soon came to a smartphone or tablet near you.

An application is not - to-be - named device will let you "listen" to what you watch, identify TV shows and movies based on a dialogue or a soundtrack, and displays various information about anything on the screen. Gracenote also expanded audio offering, exhibiting both Habu and MoodGrid, mood-based music Curation service for mobile devices and in-car systems, respectively. Software group of songs based on themes of emotional, then roll back dependingon the mood you selected. Happy? Sad? Curious? We have to wait until CES to spoon full of Gracenote

Source engadget
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Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik,
Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik dari Acer Aspire S3, pada awal peluncurannya sudah menjadi perbincangan dan banyak situs web yang menampilkan review terhadap komputer jinjing yang satu ini, salah satunya dei. Apalagi setelah kemunculannya di pasar laptop Indonesia, Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook yang mempunyai slogan Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik seakan menjadi tokoh utama dalam menggaet komsumen meski harga ultrabook ini selangit namun sesuai dengan performa yang dimilikinya.

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik yang ada pada Acer Aspire S3, bukanlah satu-satunya ultrabook yang hadir sebagai laptop dengan nama ultrabook tapi sudah ada pesaing dari Asus Zenbook UX21E, Lenovo IdeaPad U300S, Toshiba Portege Z830 dan pesaing terkuatnya MacBook Air dari

Ultrabook besutan ini menjadi 1st Ultrabook in Indonesia dan merupakan pilihan kedua jika dilihat dari harga yang dibandingkan dengan saingan terberatnya, MacBook Air yang dibandrol sekitar 10 juta lebih. Sedangkan harga Acer Aspire S3, lebih terjangkau sekitar 7 juta, selain itu Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook™ diperkuat oleh prosesor generasi kedua Intel® Core™ i5 – nyata terasa responsivitanya dan tetap stylish. Dengan Intel® Turbo Boost Technology yang mengadopsi performa sesuai kebutuhan dan kemampuan visual mengagumkan, Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook™ juga ultra tipis dan menyala ultra cepat, dengan fitur yang hampir sama dan berat yang super ringan, 1.4kg. Sangat pantas jika disebut sebagai Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik saat ini!

Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik, Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah TerbaikAspire S3 SEO Contest Logo

Desain yang terdapat pada setiap ultrabook mengacu pada MacBook Air, begitu juga dengan Acer Aspire S3. Namun ada beberapa perbedaan yang lebih baik dari S3 dari pada MacBook, yaitu sisi desain pada pinggiran S3 tampak bulat menambah keanggunan dari Aspire S3, sedangkan pada MacBook Air tampak kaku dengan sudut yang tajam. Begitu juga dengan bahan yang ada pada S3, lebih lembut dan sangat nyaman.

Pada bagian cover engsel hitam yang terbuat dari bahan karet terdapat tombol power yang sejajar dengan lampu LED power dan baterai. Namun jika layar ditutup, tombol power akan masih terlihat dibagian belakang dan sejajar dengan port USB 2.0, HDMI-out put dan soket AC. Keseluruhan tampilan pada Aspire S3 sangat elegan meskipun warna abu-abu yang ditampilkan pada bagian keyboard kurang mendukung tapi sesuai dengan keseluruhan pada panel sisi dan layar yang memberikan nuansa yang sama solid sebagai chassis unibody.

Keyboard dan Touchpad
Dengan tombol yang agak besar, tekstur yang lemut, dan ditopang panel yang kaku membuat kesan kokoh pada jajaran key-nya. Pada saat melakukan pengetikan diperlukan tekanan yang agak keras untuk mendapatkan hasil maksimal. Jika dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya, penggunaan keyboard Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook lebih nyaman meski sepintas terlihat seperti keyboard lama (tradisional).
Beralih pada touchpad, tidak ada batas antara klik kanan atau kiri namun anda cukup menekan bagian pojok bawah pada touchpad untuk melakukann itu. Dengan ukuran 3.4x2.5inci, secara keseluruhan touchpad sangat nyaman dan responsif.

Berikut bagian-bagian luar yang ada pada Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik
Bagian Depan :
1. Tampilan Layar
2. Tombol Power
3. Mikrofon
4. Keyboard
5. Touchpad
6. Indikator Power dan Baterai
7. Webcam

Bagian Belakang : 1. DC-in jack 2. HDMI port 3. USB 2.0 ports

Bagian Kiri : 1. Headset/speaker jack

Bagian Kanan : 1. 2-in-1 card reader

Bagian Bawah : 1. Battery reset pinhole 2. Speakers

Layar Aspire S3 berdimensi 13.3inci dengan resolusi 1366x768 piksel, memberikan real layar yang kurang nyata saat melihat video dengan resolusi 700p masih terlihat bintik-bintik kecil dan sudut pandang yang kurang terasa kurang nyaman jika berbagi layar dengan teman-teman anda

Dua speaker yang berada terletak dibawah sisi kiri dan kanan memberikan suara yang memadai dan tidak terlalu keras dengan penggunaan Dolby Home Theater sebagai utilitas. Dengan tingkat volume yang rendah, suara stereo dan bass yang dihasilkan masih kurang meskipun ditopang oleh kontrol volume pada Windows Media Player. Secara keseluruhan, speaker menjadi titik terlemah yang dimiliki Acer Aspire S3.

Port dan Webcam
Dibagian belakang dua port USB 2.0, port HDMI dan AC-DC jack sedangkan sebelah sisi kanan hanya terdapat slot SD dan sebelah kiri headset/mic jack.
Tampilan webcam dengan 1.3 MP yang berada di bagian bezel (sebelah atas layar monitor), saat melakukan chat via YM, gambar yang dihasilkan cukup terang dan jernih dengan suara yang bagus namun sedikit kabur saat melakukan gerakan.

Boot dan Hibernasi
Dengan memiliki SSD 20GB, drive Acer Aspire S3 hanya digunakan sebagai partisi hibernasi yang mampu melakukan resume sangat cepat, bukan untuk booting atau menjalankan aplikasi lainnya. Pada saat hibernasi ini, Aspire S3 hanya butuh 2 detik untuk masuk kembali pada desktop dan siap digunakan! Ini dikarenakan adanya fitur Instant Connect-On yang merupakan fitur utama dari S3 ini. Sedangkan pada booting sendiri tergantung pada harddrive 320GB dengan kecepatan 5.400rpm, sangat lambat jika boot ke Windows 7 Home Premium yang membutuhkan waktu 1 menit 5 detik, bandingkan dengan MacBook Air yang hanya 17 deti atau Samsung Seri 9 25 detik!

Dengan prosesor 1.6GHz Intel Core i5-2467M dan harddrive 320GB dengan kecepatan 5.400rpm, kinerja yang dihasilkan tetap hampir sama dengan MacBook Air yang memiliki prosesor 1.7GHz Core i5-2557M. Namun pada proses multimedia, Aspire S3 butuh waktu agak lama dalam melakukan duplikasi file besar dengan ukuran diatas 1GB!
Secara keseluruhan, MacBook Air memang sedikit lebih baik, karena Acer Aspire S3 mampu mengimbangi semua kinerja yang ada pada saingannya tersebutt. Memang benar jika Acer Aspire S3 merupakan Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik saat ini!

Acer Aspire S3 dilengkapi software pra-install yang bisa anda gunakan sesuai kebutuhan, diantaranya Acer Backup Manager, Acer Crystla Eye Webcam, Acer Game Portal dan yang digunaka untuk berbagi multimedia nirkabel dalam jaringan WiFi serta utilitas untuk twaeker daya dan pengaturan sleep.
Perangkat lunak lainnya termasuk AUPEO Radio Internet, newsXpresso, Nook untuk PC, Skype 5.3, Microsoft Office Starter 2010, Windows Live Essentials, Reader Times, Antivirus McAfee Internet Security dengan masa trial 60 hari dan shortcut eBay.

Dengan adanya prosesor yang Ultra Low Voltage dan fitur instant connect-on yang dimiliki ultrabook Acer,baterai Acer Aspire S3 mampu bertahan selama 50 hari dalam mode Deep Sleep atau bisa bertahan selama 6 sampai 7 jam untuk penggunaan secara normal. Baterai juga sangat durable yaitu bisa mencapai 3.5 tahun lama pemakaian dan bertahan hingga 1000 kali recharge!

Spesifikasi Acer Aspire S3 Ultrabook
  • Tipe: Ultraportable, Consumer Ultra-Low Voltage
  • Prosesor: Intel Core i5-2467M
  • Sistem Operasi: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium
  • Kecepatan Prosesor: 1.6 GHz
  • Memori RAM: 4 GB
  • Berat: 1,33 kg
  • Tebal: 13 mm
  • Layar: 13,3 inci, resolusi 1.366x768 piksel
  • Jenis Layar: Widescreen
  • Kartu Grafis: Intel HD Graphics 3000
  • Kapasitas Hard Disk: 320 GB
  • Konektivitas: Wi-Fi 802.11n
  • Optical Drive: External
  • Koneksi Internet: 2,5 detik
  • Bangun dari mode sleep: 1,5 detik
  • Bangun dari mode deep sleep: 6 detik
  • Acer Greenyellow Instan On: 50 jam
  • harga Acer Aspire S3 : Rp 7-9 juta

Produk Tandingan
  • Samsung Series 9 (NP900X3A)
  • Toshiba Portege R835-P50X
  • ASUS Zenbook UX31
  • Apple Macbook Air 13-inch (Thunderbolt)

Aspire S3 SEO Contest Logo

Semoga artikel tentang Ultrabook Notebook Tipis Harga Murah Terbaik ini bisa memberikan sedikit gambaran seperti produk ultrabook dari Acer Aspire S3 ini.

Source Blog Resmi Acer Indonesia
Article dedicate for s3ocontest
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OmniTouch | New Technology of Touch Screen

OmniTouch | New Technology of Touch Screen - Team Microsoft issued a tool that is made all around your existing surface to touch screen!. OmniTouch, a product using the harmonic projection and sound to create a virtual screen on any surface.

The technology of OmniTouch is similar to the Kinect and allow users to use any surface, including their own bodies to make panel touch.

How OmniTouch Work?
The main function of the sensor devices are caught Depth Sensing that the finger movement. If you know how to work of Kinect, then the process is more easily understood. As in Kinect, the camera will map out your finger and capturing movement you make in 3D dimensions (X, Y, and Z). Then, pico projectors will shoot pictures to the surface that is in front of you. After that, simply use your fingers to manipulate images from the projector. In addition, this tool is also able to distinguish two different surface away from the sensor. So, you can use the surface of the table to become the main screen and add palm of the hand as a second screen!
The second picture on the surface you can also manipulated. You can zoom the picture by dragging the fingers, rotate, and wobbling. Photos also follow the surface motion. When your hands move, the pictures will follow your movements!

Writing, send email, play games or anything would be better with OmniTouch are using, it looks like ...

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Little Printer | Mini Printer For Mobile

Little Printer | Mini Printer For Mobile - Information technology is growing, first, to obtain information on the Internet must use a computer but now, using a cell phone can get what you seek. Also with the printer, using the phone, you can print text or information through mobile phones using the little printer, mini printer for mobile phones.

Little Printer is a small specialty printers that print info news or obtained from news-ticker or RSS. So, when you read the news on your mobile and keen to keep it, you can print it to little printer.

Little Printer | Mini Printer For Mobile can be put in the house or connected to a network. You can print it anywhere coz little printer use cloud computing as work that can control printer via the web.

Little Printer | Mini Printer For Mobile has been fitted with roll paper and using a special ink that is not visible.
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LTE | Long Term Evolution

What is LTE | Long Term Evolution?
LTE | Long Term Evolution is A communication standart wireless high-level data access based on GSM / EDGE and UMTS / HSPA where there was an increase in capacity and speed using a new modulation technique.

The format was first proposed LTE by NTT DoCoMo of Japan and has been adopted as an international standart. LTE service was first opened by the company TeliaSonera in Stochholm and Oslo on December 14, 2009. United States and Japan in 2010.

LTE network are expected to release first deployed globally in the next year as natural evolution of several 2G and 3G systems, including global system for mobile communications (GSM) and UMTS, 3GPP, and 3GPP2.

LTE network is to increase the capacity and speed of wireless data networks using techniques DSP (Digital Signal Processing) and modulation are developed.

As a high-level technology, LTE is capable of fetching up to speeds of up to 300 Mbps and 75Mbps upload. LTE supports scalable carrier bandwidth, and supports frequency division duplexing (FDD) and time division duplex (TDD).

LTE network architecture is a flat IP architecture based network, called the Evolved Packet Core (EPC), which is designedto replace the GPRS Core Network and support the seamless exchange for voice and data compared with earlier network technologies exist such as GSM, UMTS, and CDMA 2000 .

Excess LTE network:
  • Download rates up to 299.6 Mbit/s with upload rates 75.4 Mbit/s on user equipment category.
  • Improved support for mobility.
  • Support for all frequency bands currently used by the IMT system by ITU-R.
  • Support for MBSFN, this feature can provide services such as Mobile TV using LTE infrastructure, and is a competitor to DVB-H service-based TV broadcasting.
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Zeus Virus BlackBerry

Zeus Virus BlackBerry is a virus like trojan that can steal data or information contained on the BlackBerry by using SMS as the mainstream media. The target Zeus Virus BlackBerry is a steal personal information such as SMS or mobile data transaction. And on the BlackBerry, Mesengger service as the main target of Zeus Virus.

In addition to the main target of Zeus Virus BlackBerry is Messengger service on the BlackBerry. Zeus virus is also able to see, remove, to forward incoming SMS, block calls, takes over the use of, and even block the phone number itself.

BlackBerry, Smartphone that has a sophisticated security system and a full feature, in fact can not be penetrated by outsiders but nevertheless a system that is made if the use can not control, then anything can happen. Including virus attacks.
Moreover, BlackBerry users more easily using the internet connection to perform such services or social networking Mesengger so that it will facilitate a virus or malware infecting mobile security system.

As presented an ethical hacker, though Zaki Qureesh, BlackBerry has a very secure system, but if the user is either in use such as installing an application that is nottrusted will help malicious parties entered the BlackBerry system.

To overcome or prevent Zeus virus enters the BlackBerry system, the use of antiviral may be paired in the BlackBerry using the BlackBerry AppWorld service that provides a variety of antivirus applications. As NetQin, SmartGuard Pro, or McAfee MS.

If Zeus virus has attacked the BlackBerry via the BlackBerry Mesengger service, what about Nokia with Windows systems they use?
Whereas before, for other systems such as Symbian or Android has been entered by the sharing of malware or viruses.

Remember, prevention is better than repairing the damage that we never knew before!

And some tips on prevention of virus attack or malware on your mobile phone from me:
  1. Use the built-in security systems that exist on any mobile phone.
  2. If no security system, use security application that can be downloaded from the AppStore any mobile phone.
  3. Not too often do internet connection, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or other data access connection.
  4. When you wish to install the application, use the existing applications on the AppStore in every phone.
  5. Before installing the application, understand first of such applications, during setup, or usefulness of the application.

Zeus Virus BlackBerry or a variety of other mobile phone virus, can be prevented before it takes a virus ormalware or corrupt data phones.

Source allsource
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